Wolves Only Party

Hi, jammers! Today, I have a post on the Wolves Only Party! Enjoy!

The Wolves Only Party is a year-round event, yet only wolves (non-members), arctic wolves (members), and snowflake arctic wolves (members) can attend. At the party, there is a Wolves Only Store that sells furniture items.

Wolves Only Shop

This party takes place in the Volcano Den. This party can also be attended on the Play Wild app. There is one glitch where ocean animals can also attend the party.

If you go to close to the lava you turn red!

If you click on the moon, a little holdable moon appears at your side.

Looking out at the horizon!

There is an area for bands to play on top of the moon rug. There are two microphones, guitar, and drum set.

Hanging out by the Wolves Only Shop.

I hope you enjoyed this mini post jammers! See you in Jamaa!

~ Marigold