Pet Octopuses

Hey, jammers! Today’s post is about the new pet octopuses! Enjoy!

The pet octopus was released March 15th, 2018, as a pet counterpart of the octopus. It’s available at the Diamond Shop for 3 Diamonds and at Flippers’N’Fins for 3 Diamonds.

Like almost all pets you can pick two colors for your pet. Color 1 is the one that is used on most of the body and Color 2 is the one used on the tentacles.

Then you can pick your favorite type of eyes. Be it the spiral or the big eyes!

Next, you can mess around with the mouth shape, tentacle shape, and pattern.

Then you can choose your favorite name. I choose Dizzyroo.

You then receive a certificate of adoption.

You can go to a pet stop to choose an outfit for your octopus.

For the face, you can choose an eyeball hat, scuba tank, fluffy hat, or sunglasses.

For the back, you can choose a pacifier, dragon wings, starfish pigtails, or a light to shine behind your pet.

For the head, you can choose a hot chocolate/cookie hat, bow, pirate hat, or headband.

Both Dizzyroo and I hope you consider buying a pet octopus! Thanks for reading jammers, see you in Flippers’N’Fins.

~ Marigold